Pilates Benefits

The Pilates method is a form of exercise focused on engaging the mind with the body to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and improve overall health. Every exercise is performed with attention to breath, proper form and efficient movement patterns. You will gain body awareness building symmetry and coordination, which will carry over into your daily life.

The exercises are relatively safe, low impact and appropriate for every level of fitness and every age.  The result is a body that works better, plays better, and feels better. Many types of people, at many levels of fitness have seen improvements in range of motion, flexibility, circulation, posture, and abdominal strength along with decreases in back, neck and joint pain.

“I am one of those people. Before starting Pilates, I was experiencing back pain, shoulder problems and other joint pain. After consistently doing Pilates, my pain disappeared and I strengthened my problem shoulder. I am now a strong believer in the power of incorporating Pilates into your workout routine for improved health.” Jan Berthy-Owner 3cPilates

We incorporate the key principles of the Pilates method into our workouts:
  • Centering
  • Concentration
  • Control
  • Precision
  • Breath
  • Flow

Join us to see the difference Pilates can make in your life!